Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just entered a Gospel Music Competition to win a bunch of cool stuff including studio time with Grammy and Dove Award Winning Producer, Paul Ebersold. The first round of voting is totally up to online voting though. So if you're down for the cause, you're willing to give 5 minutes, and want to help out, please keep reading and forward this post. If not, no worries! Have a good day.

How To VOTE (It's kinda a lot of drama but I promise if you follow the instructions, it will take less than 5 minutes)
1. Click HERE and...

Register for an account (Don't worry it won't cost you anything).

(Note: You DO have to register a valid email address so you can activate your account, but they also ask for your physical address which does not necessarily need to be legit. So do whatever you want as far as that's concerned.)

2. Check your email inbox (or spam box) and find the email from "noreply@campelectric.com".

3. Follow the instructions to log into their website and choose your new password. Click "SAVE" at the bottom of the page. This will take you to their Home Page.

4. Rather than searching for "Dominic Balli" just click HERE or copy and paste this link into your browser:

A page will pop up with "All We Need is Love" in the little play window.

5. Just below the picture of me (Dominic) you'll see a tab that says "VOTE". CLICK IT. Now confirm your vote by clicking the "VOTE!" button below with the thumbs up picture on it.

6. Do this every 24 hours until March 1st (if you want).

7. Stay tuned to see if we make it to the top 50. If we do we'll need your help again!

8. Give your self a pat on the back. Good job and thank you soooooo much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I voted!! Good Luck in the contest! Keep us posted if you make it!